Chemistry Links
American Chemical Society
The American Chemical Society web
site contains many items for chemists, including pages from the Journal
of the American Chemical Society.
Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities (ABRF)
Discussion Group (moderated)
Like the Mass Spec. Techniques Discussion Group this
ABRF forum has archives of solutions to common biomolecular
technique problems.
Center for Atmospheric Science
Centre for Atmospheric Science
is part of the chemistry department at Cambridge University.
Chemical Engineering
Engineering-related resource links are found at this Stanford site.
Chemistry Data
This NIST Chemistry WebBook contains
thermochemical data for organic and small inorganic compounds, reaction thermochemistry
data, IR spectra, mass spectra , electronic / vibrational spectra, constants of diatomic
molecules (spectroscopic data), ion energetics data, and thermophysical property data.
Wolfram|Alpha™ a computational knowledge engine which contains information on chemical elements, unit conversions, flash points, thermodynamic properties, reactivity, and much more. Based on a new kind of knowledge-based computing Wolfram|Alpha is the first step in an ambitious, long-term project to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable by anyone. Enter your chemical question or calculation and Wolfram|Alpha uses its built-in algorithms and a growing collection of data to compute the answer.
Chemistry Teaching Resources
Guide to Online Schools provides chemistry history, courses, curriculum, and experiment resources for teachers.
Chemistry Hall blog on topics for chemists such as Bee vs. Wasp Sting Venom: Truth and Chemical Myths
ChemSpy helps you to find chemistry and
chemical engineering related terms, definitions, synonyms, acronyms and
abbreviations. Also search forms for finding MSDS/safety data, scientific
publications in over 20.000 different journals, physical data of chemical
compounds, worldwide patents and spectral data are available.
College of Chemistry at Berkeley
The College of Chemistry at Berkeley
- this excellent site offers a hypertext periodic
table with details about all the elements. Some interesting mpeg movies
of molecules are located here also.
Combinatorial Chemistry
Combinatorial Chemistry
Tutorial and glossary on the concepts
and methods of combinatorial chemistry. A collection of
links to other sites on
Combinatorial Chemistry is also featured.
Hofmeister Effect and Hydrophobic Interaction
The Interactions between macromolecules and ions: the Hofmeister series. Implications for HIC. This site discusses the ranking of various ions toward their ability to precipitate a mixture of proteins.
Hyperactive Molecules
Hyperactive Molecules
Using Chemical MIME - this cool web site allows you to create your
own movie of a rotating molecule.
Links for Chemists
Links for Chemists
- this site lists many resources related to chemistry including a calculator for mass and element analysis
WWW Chemistry Guide - a collection of links for organic,
biochemical, computational, medicinal and other chemistry research or education.
Mass Spec. Techniques Discussion Group (moderated)
Like the ABRF Discussion Group this
forum has archives of solutions to common MS technique problems.
Molar Extinction Coefficient Calculations for Proteins
In addition to "How to measure and predict the molar absorption coefficient of a protein"
C. Nick Pace, et al., Protein Science (1995), 2411-2423. See ProtParam for tools for the accurate calculation of protein molar absorption coefficients.
Organic Chemistry
The Organic Chemistry Portal offers an overview of recent topics, interesting reactions, and information on important chemicals for organic chemists.
Peptide Overview
Oleg Larin's PeptidesGuide site offers a nice understanding of peptides which have been used in a variety of applications, including biomedical research, peptide-based vaccines, peptide nanotubes, design of novel enzymes, diagnostic peptides, etc.
Peptide Retention Time Calculations
Oleg Krokhin's RT Calculator. New sequence-specific
correction factors for prediction of peptide retention in RP-HPLC: application to
protein identification by off-line HPLC-MALDI-MS. This version has been developed for the same set of ~2000
tryptic peptides and features new correction factors related to a peptide's propensity to form helical
structures. Correlation about 0.98 (R-squared value) was obtained for the training set of 2000 peptides
compared to 0.96 for version 2.
pKa Calculations
Calculate pKa and utilize information resources for life scientists with an interest
in biological macromolecules. Links to protein sequence, 3D structure and 2D-gel analytical tools are provided on the
ExPASy server, and more specifically from its
Proteomics tools page.
Polymer Science and Technology
IRC in Polymer Science and Technology
(Leeds) - a consortium of groups involved in polymer research in the
Universities of Leeds, Bradford and Durham, England.
Ponder Lab Web Server
Ponder Lab WWW Server - a lab server
focused on computional chemistry and molecular modeling.
Solvent Elution Strength Comparison on Various Sorbents
This handy site contains a table of equal solvent strengths and
offers a comparison of the relative properties of solvents on various sorbents
including alumina, silica and C18 bonded silica to assist in solving chromatographic technique problems.
Supelco Separation Technologies
Supelco's informative
URL includes current products and technical information. This site is very
thorough and quite useful.
Tosoh Bioscience® LLC (formerly TosoHaas and Tosoh Biosep) URL
Common TSK-GEL® SEC column and media questions
and answers.
Virtual Library of Chemistry
The World-Wide Web
Virtual Library: Chemistry - this site links to almost all chemistry-related
resources on the internet.
Waters Corporation
Waters Home Page - a long-standing
leader in HPLC systems.
- this is an experimental server/database that also houses information
on all of the periodic table elements.
World Association of Theoretical Organic Chemists
Imperial College - this server has
information on upcoming conferences, registration info, Chemical Physics
reprints, online presentations, and much more.
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