PolyLC® HPLC Column Bibliography
PolyLC® HPLC Column Bibliography
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PolyLC® Column Chemistries Bibliography
PolyCAT A™ PolyAspartic Acid, weak cation exchange publications
PolyHYDROXYETHYL™ A, SEC or HILIC publications.
PolyALKYL™ Aspartamide, HIC publications.
PolySULFOETHYL™ A, SCX strong cation exchange or HILIC publications.
Proteome fractionation by SCX and RPC-MS-MS [(S-133): Balif, et al.].
PolyWAX LP™ , weak anion exchange publications.
PolyGLYCOPLEX™ for HPLC of Complex Carbohydrates.
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Last Updated: 08/20/21